Meet GP
Family First
I'm George Patrick McLeer, Jr - but everyone calls me "GP".
I was raised by two incredibly supportive parents, George and Elizabeth - both retired special education teachers - along with my two younger siblings, Mairin and Michael. Mairin followed in my parents’ footsteps and works as an Assistant Principal at a nearby district, and Michael is in law school at USC School of Law. My parents live in Quail Run right here in Fountain Inn.
I married my beautiful wife, Taylor, in November of 2018. Taylor received her undergrad degree from Coker, and earned masters degrees in education from both Anderson University (MAT) and Clemson University (Ed.S). Taylor started her own professional coaching practice and works part-time for Greenville County Schools.
Our daughter, Albee James, was born in 2020 and is full of curiosity and joy. She loves dancing at our summer concert series and exploring our downtown. We attend church at St. Mary Magdalene up the road in Simpsonville.
Professional Background
I’ve spent most of my career in the private sector as a nonprofit executive and small business owner, with a few years in local government along the way.
After graduating with honors from the College of Charleston, I helped the City of Mauldin create their Office of Cultural Affairs where I launched the Mauldin Cultural Center, managed all city marketing, and worked on the economic development team.
Until 2022 I served as the Executive Director of the SC Arts Alliance, a 40+ year-old statewide nonprofit organization, where I worked with local community leaders, state legislators, and Congressional offices to make our communities more vibrant and our children’s education stronger.
Currently I am the Director of Public Policy & Community Engagement for Together SC, our state's nonprofit association. There, I focus on policy issues facing nonprofits across the state and lead the planning for the largest conference for nonprofits in the state.
Additionally, I am the Director of the Upstate Mobility Alliance, a 10-county initiative focused on advocating for transportation solutions across the Upstate. I collaborate with private and public sector stakeholders to help communities navigate the complex landscape of the transportation sector from trails, to public transit, to airports, and more.
In 2021 I co-founded Pecan Public Relations, a consulting firm based here in Fountain Inn that specializes in helping nonprofit organizations with advocacy, communications, events, and more.
I’ve been able to serve on many boards over the years at the local, state, and national levels. Before being elected as Mayor in 2019, I served as Chair of the Fountain Inn Chamber of Commerce and on the board for the Fountain Inn Chorale. Currently, I have the pleasure of serving on the following boards and/or committees:
Keep Laurens County Beautiful (Founding Chair)
Association of South Carolina Mayors
Municipal Association of SC’s Legislative Committee
Greenville-Pickens Area Transportation Study (GPATS) - Policy Committee
College of Charleston’s School of the Arts Council
Contact GP: